School Gardens in Summer!

We’ve been fortunate to be able to continue work in the school gardens, even though haven’t been in classrooms and gardens since mid-March. Our Garden Coordinator, Corey Chin, has been busy adding new beds to the Chimacum Elementary School garden. The space is large enough to hold the large greenhouse, an orchard, a tea garden, a pizza garden, a sensory garden, native plants, a willow tunnel, many veggie beds and a pleasant gathering circle. Several educational projects are in the works: worm bins/compost, mushroom logs, and water catchment; additionally we will add ADA accessible raised beds. We are currently working with school administration to plan for some outdoor classrooms so that students will be able to stay socially distanced when they return to school.

The Chimacum Creek Primary School garden has been planted, harvested (!), and now replanted. Corey is making weekly donations to the Food Bank through the Food Bank Farm & Gardens, and is now planting fall crops (root veggies, purple sprouting broccoli, etc.)

We are also assisting Margaret Garrett, the CSD Food Services Director, with weeding and spiffing up some High School Garden beds so she can harvest fruits (strawberries and blueberries) to freeze, and to plant some goodies to use in her creative kitchen offerings.