$96,428 USDA Farm to School Grant Awarded to PTSD

Place-based learning just expanded to include “plant-based” learning for the next two years at the Port Townsend High School and Salish Coast Elementary School gardens.

The USDA Farm to School Grant is an ongoing program covering all states.

“The Port Townsend School District Farm to School Program, in collaboration with Washington State University Small Farms Program, will improve edible school garden spaces across the district and support development and implementation of a PreK-9th grade agriculture education curriculum. The project will complete a school production garden at the elementary school and add infrastructure to the high school garden to support growing and harvesting of local produce for school meals. The agriculture curriculum will support students participating in production of food for school meals and increase their knowledge of local food systems and agriculture.”

According to project leader, Sarah Rubenstein, the cash will be evenly split across 2022 and 2023 school years, starting with building out the production garden at Salish Coast Elementary (currently under a black tarp). It will include building a tall hoop house and greenhouse at Salish Coast Elementary and adding hand washing stations to both the elementary and high school gardens. Additionally it will support curriculum development for an educational program at the large Blue Heron Middle School orchard. Last year, the 70 trees in the orchard produced 2000 pounds of fruit that was served in school lunches.

Working with Sarah to flesh out the garden design, educational program and what to plant is Salish Coast School Garden Coordinator Leta Fetherolf, teachers from both schools, cooks looking to expand recipes, and Justin Gray who will be overseeing permitting and construction. Together they will finalize a garden that is highly productive, easy to maintain, and be a deer-free zone.

Over at the orchard, the figs are being turned into cookies; apples are eaten fresh or turned into sauce to be used in muffins.

In the spring, all gardens will need adult volunteers to help get them off to a fast start. If you would like to add your name to the volunteer list, please contact Leta