The Community Wellness Project believes that a healthy community needs a healthy and vibrant food system. Empowering and educating our students and families to be engaged with local food will help us stay well-nourished and resilient. We’ve mapped our East Jefferson County Food Network, beginning with school gardens, then adding community gardens, farms, and local food distribution centers such as stores, farmer’s markets and food banks. Lastly, we’ve acknowledged businesses and resource centers which have helped schools grow their programs. This map is intended to offer links to farms, markets, and other entities that are engaged in local food growing, production, distribution, and education.

FEED Jefferson County Map Thumbnail


This is an evolving project! We’ll be adding more pictures and content to the map in the coming months. Please send us corrections, suggestions, or pictures.

COVID-19 UPDATE: This local food system map may be helpful in directing members of our community to resources that will help keep everyone fed through this outbreak.

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